Thursday, May 20, 2010


i'm falling asleep and falling off the chair just now.. i'm at work , i wanna slp but i can't .. T-T.. i'm really sleepy.. so .. i decided to write a blog post to keep myself awake..

on doctors. and crazy family.

why some family members are just so crazy . really~ they know that their mum or dad is just so difficult to handle, climbing out of bed and pulling all the tubes.. and yet they still stop us from restraining their love ones. that's fine, if they refuse to restrain. then jolly well stay back to look after them.

if they truely love them and care for them .. they should allow us to do it. patients are confused and prone to falls.. to prevent them from falling and for their safety, i think it's a very valid reason for us to restrain them. seriously..

ok, i can accept situations whereby, if they dont' allow us to restrain .. at least stay behind and look after your love ones.. if only u claim that u love them so much. *ah pui* not allowing us to restrain and expect us to look after her. seriously. we're just nurses, not ur part time nanny .. we only got a few staffs .. but we have alot of patients.. not only ur love please.we have to be fair to the other patients too!

i was struggling with one patient just now.. it took 5 nurses and 3 securities to pin her down on to the bed.. thats how tough it is.. and to add on the misery.. i got a hard kick from her on my back... F right.

wad is even "F -er" was .. my friend called this stupid on call Doc, , to come and salvage the situation earlier on.. at least sedate the patient or do something.. what this Bastard did was.. to shout at this patient.. AND also shout at me.. for wad?!! also i dunno..

he dare to open his mouth and ask me "what u wan me to do?" with his stupid fucking attitude.

He's the Doc, and yet he dare to ask me that.. of course just order some sedatives or at least review the patient and think of wad to do .. rather than sitting down on the patient's geriatric chair and rant your anger on us and the patient!

*pissed to the max*

Sometimes.. i really wonder.. why some doctors possess such stupid attitudes and so rude to nurses. i'm not saying all .. some are really nice too.. just a small percentage really piss me off.. and the public still view them as "GOD" because, they have more medical knowledge and they "save" patients .. *ahem*

what the public do not noe. is that. DOCTORs are not with the patients 24 hr, we NURSES are the one,who is with them round the clock. who detect abnormalities.. and report to them. we NURSES are the one who are the first to try to revive the patients.. not them.. they come in to the picture later..

we all know.. the most important period to revive a patient is at the point of time when the patient collapse.. can u imagine, if we don't start compressing and just wait for the DOCTOR to come.. i think the patient will just die.

SO . i think .. saving patients life is team work not just the doctors.. yes. the doctors have more knowledge.. know more things.. but without the nurses. patients life won't be sustained till the doctors arrive..

PLEASE. can the public change the views about nurses and start respecting them.. we are equally saving patients life too.


We are not Doctor's maid .. okie..

this entry really kept me awake. sister is here! i gotta run!!!!

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